Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

what must the garbage pickup men do when they fill their truck?

- refuse refuse

(taken from a newspaper word game)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What do you call a bunch of Toyotas racing around a track?

a Corolla Derby!
If you like tuna, then you've tasted the chicken of the sea...
If you are a vegetarian, you might try the fruit of the sea: blubber-ies

If you prefer turf over surf, then...maybe cow is for you:

3 legged cow: tri-tip
2 legged cow: lean beef
1 legged cow: stake
legless cow: ground beef

people who follow cows' every move: livestalkers.

Thought I would milk it for all it was worth. Marinate on it a while. You know, chew the cud.
The new jeans brand: Levi Straws. I hear they suck.
more inspiration from the bread joke

what do you call a flying gamepiece?

peter pawn

what would you call me if I could fly?

peter pun

what's a good stage name for a flying wrestler?

peter PAIN

I could go on...but my voice...will instead...just

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why could the castle not stop cussing? Poor thing, it had Turrets.

And it was such a bastion of good health before...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm concerned about my friend's fetish for kitchen knives, so for Christmas, I bought him a deboner.
I love Mexican grocery stores. I always have so much flan when shopping.

more fashion; something you can always look radishy in

or just plain rad.......ish.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rip what you sew: trashy fashion trends make you run away from the runway.

It's uncanny!

Monday, July 26, 2010

What do you call flying Mexican bread? - Peter 'Pan'

Or, as my friend Beth corrected me, it should be 'Pedro Pan'.

Remembering a joke from a Trader Joe's bag, she quick-wittedly asked: what's another bread-related musical? - Singing in the Grain.